Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Inglorious Basterds

Inglorious Basterds directed by Quentin Tarantino
So I have enjoyed Quentin Tarantino's films in the past: Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs are great.  I had heard mix reviews about Basterds but still wanted to see it.  (My brother-in-law hated it).  The movie was 2 1/2 hours and should have been 1 1/2 hours.  There was so much build up that the movie was incredibly slow.  Almost nothing happens for the first 30 minutes of the film.  The comical ending is fantastic so it was worth waiting it out but still, way too long.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 directed by Lee Unkirch
So I finally got to see a movie in the theatre!  And I got to take my 4 year old son to his first movie!  My parents even joined us, too.  What a great film.  Definitely not too scary and my mom was in hysterics.  I felt this was a good introductory film for H's first movie as he is familiar with the story (having seen Toy Story, Toy Story 2,  and all other Pixar films).  We made sure not to go to a 3D as I think that would be over the top.  H did great although I think he got uncomfortable sitting on the booster seat for so long.  I am excited because I will get to take him to more movies.  The movie itself was good with a little bit of a tear-jerker toward the end.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Phoebe in Wonderland

Phoebe in Wonderland directed by Daniel Barnz
So I was trying to find a movie to watch with my wife and we picked this one as it seemed interesting.  What a downer!  We were thinking it would be more of an upbeat movie of a young girl's fantasy land but it is a sad story of Turret's syndrome.  I love my kids!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Brothers Bloom

The Brothers Bloom directed by Rian Johnson
So I have here another film that I knew nothing about and had zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  Really good story and I loved how the brothers (Adrien Brody & Mark Ruffalo) acted as if it was a period piece.  Steamships across the Atlantic.  Train travel through Europe.  It seemed like they thought they were stuck in the early twentieth century at times while everyone else is in present day.  One drawback; Mark Ruffalo's hat.  I kept thinking he was an Hasidic Jew for the whole movie.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Harold and Maude

Harold and Maude directed by Hal Ashby
So I am not sure what possessed me to watch this movie but I am glad I did.  Very quirky and odd with a lot of funny.  I absolutely loved the matching suits when Harold (Bud Cort) visits the psychiatrist and his uncle's do-it-yourself prosthetic arm so he can salute!  On top of that, a fantastic soundtrack done entirely by the great Cat Stevens!  Very good.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

American Teen

American Teen directed by Nanette Burstein
So I put this movie in the netflix queue because we saw a trailer for it that made it look like an interesting documentary about high school kids.  The film was alright, not great as the "non-documentary" parts really took away from the movie.  They would have these clearly scripted shots of the main subjects daydreaming and then they would go into a cartoon of their imaginative life.  Some people might have liked it but I didn't. Not at all like a real life Breakfast Club even though it might try to be.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I wrote last week that I rolled my ankle and I thought it was fine.  I even did two mediocre runs on Thursday and Saturday but it seemed to be going well.  Last night, when we were having dinner outside, I took off my socks only to see my ankle had swollen up!  I am so bummed as I really need to train for the next 5K in 2 weeks.  I'm not sure what I can do.  I guess I need to just rest and hopefully it will get better by next week so I can get a few training runs in before the race.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Parenthood directed by Ron Howard
So I think I may have watched this movie back when I was a kid but I don't remember much.  I figured I would try it again and it is hilarious!  I think having kids of my own make the movie even funnier.  What a fantastic film!  Nearly every facet of the movie seemed to relate somewhat with my life and family.  I highly recommend.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
So I wanted to read this book after seeing the movie just last week.  It is a quick read and the edition I had included great illustrations that were certainly reflected in the film version.  A fun story that I enjoyed.  I'm not sure why I had never read it as a child but I am glad I read it now.  I think I might try and catch up on a lot more of Dahl's stories.
You can also view my reviews at

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Young Victoria

The Young Victoria directed by Jean-Marc Vallee
So I added this movie to the netflix queue on a whim after seeing a trailer for it on The Blind Side (I think?).  It turned out to be pretty good.  Very Pride and Prejudiced-ish with good acting.  I was more interested in Prince Albert's story than in Queen Victoria's but it was all intriguing nonetheless.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Casablanca directed by Michael Curtiz
So I figured I had better watch this movie as it is supposedly one of the best of all time.  I'm not sure if it was just an off night for me or if it was because my wife went to bed early but I had a hard time getting into the film.  Don't get me wrong, it was good.  So many famous lines and scenes came out of this film and its nice to finally see them in context.  My rating is really 3 1/2 stars but since I can't do half-stars, I upped it to 4 simply based on the legend of the movie.  It is truly amazing that they filmed this during World War II about World War II.  What an incredible era.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Moon directed by Duncan Jones
So I had no clue of what this movie was about but it looked interesting.  Great visuals and a 2001: A Space Odyssey feel really makes this movie work.  I like space sci fi movies too.  Sam Rockwell is great in his isolated moonbase with Kevin Spacey's "GERTY" (a la HAL 9000) keeping him company.  Really great story and fantastic debut of Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son - and no Space Oddity in the soundtrack?!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Demetri Martin. Person.

Demetri Martin. Person.
So I don't know why but within the last year or so, my wife and I have started watching occasional stand-up comic specials.  We saw the end of this show on Comedy Central about six months ago and I thought it would be worth seeing the whole thing.  Luckily, it was on Netflix Instant streaming so we gave it try.  Demetri Martin is very funny.  I do enjoy when comics add some props and music to their act and he does a great job.  I will definitely try to see some more of his acts, especially since he showed up on Flight of the Conchords as well.

Monday, June 14, 2010


So I am really freaked out that I am not going to be able to run well at the Independence Day run in Redondo Beach.  I have been having a really hard time training since my wife had her surgery 4 weeks ago.  And now, last night when I decided to do an easy run (the loop in my backyard, no elevation), I roll my ankle and most likely won't be able to run for the rest of the week.  Super bummed and concerned. 

Friday, June 11, 2010


So I just realized that this blog is turning into a movie review site.  I guess we have been on a movie kick recently (probably due to our lack of energy and bad television shows).  I'll try to get some more posts in about something else.  Of course, as I write this, I have two more reviews pending to be posted.  Anyways...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox directed by Wes Anderson
So I have not read the book by Roald Dahl but I love Wes Anderson's movies.  I was thinking this would be pretty good and I was right.  Very funny.  I love how they say "cuss" instead of a swear word.  The animation is amazing and the story good.  It is even tame enough for children to watch.  I really liked how sophisticated the characters are but when they eat, they are simply wild animals.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Blind Side

The Blind Side directed by John Lee Hancock
So I was thinking that this movie would be too great but it was very good.  Sandra Bullock really does a fine performance as a rich, Type A personality with a big heart.  She probably even deserved the Academy Award she won.  This is truly an incredible story and it is hard not to feel for the characters, especially since they are based on real people.  Definitely worth checking this movie out.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Flight of the Conchords: Season 1

The Flight of the Conchords: Season 1 created by James Bobin, Jermaine Clement & Bret McKenzie
So I don't know what took me so long to finally get around to watching this show, but I am glad I did.  It is fantastic!  Jermaine and Bret are funny but I think Rhys Darby (Murray Hewitt - band manager) really makes the show hilarious.  The songs are sensational and the story lines funny and easy to get into.  My wife, who watched a few of the episodes, enjoyed it but never felt like she missed anything from not seeing the whole season.  I really like the show and can't wait to watch Season 2!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunshine Cleaning

Sunshine Cleaning directed by Christine Jeffs
So I was thinking that this would be some weird offshoot of Little Miss Sunshine, as Alan Arkin plays similar characters in both movies, but it isn't and while not as good as LMS, Sunshine is entertaining.  I don't have too much to say about the film but it did seem that there are a lot of messy deaths in Albuquerque.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus directed by Terry Gilliam
So I really liked this movie.  I enjoy Terry Gilliam films and this one did not disappoint.  The visuals are stunning and the acting top notch.  I felt that the use of Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell as "imaginarium" versions of Heath Ledger's Tony was fantastic.  I didn't know what to expect with the unfinished movie and Ledger's death but Gilliam made it work well.  Christopher Plummer and Tom Waits put up great performances as well in the classic good vs. evil.  This is certainly a movie that you need to pay attention to or you can get lost very easily.