Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 directed by Lee Unkirch
So I finally got to see a movie in the theatre!  And I got to take my 4 year old son to his first movie!  My parents even joined us, too.  What a great film.  Definitely not too scary and my mom was in hysterics.  I felt this was a good introductory film for H's first movie as he is familiar with the story (having seen Toy Story, Toy Story 2,  and all other Pixar films).  We made sure not to go to a 3D as I think that would be over the top.  H did great although I think he got uncomfortable sitting on the booster seat for so long.  I am excited because I will get to take him to more movies.  The movie itself was good with a little bit of a tear-jerker toward the end.

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