Sunday, July 17, 2011

Catalina clouds

Catalina clouds by olmjohns
Catalina clouds, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I really didn't like this challenge.  I had such a hard time finding interesting clouds to shoot.  Oh well.

The Challenge:
Take a photo of a cloud. Simple! However, there are bonus points to anyone who sees something in the cloud and can convince me to see it, too.
In other words, the best entries should cause a mass hallucination, but spotting shapes isn't a prerequisite. Beautiful photos make fine entries, too.
Oh, and the photo doesn't need to *just* be of clouds, but they should be the prominent subject.

My Comment:
So I went out and bought a cheap-o polarizing filter this week on gizmodo's suggestion and this shot was taken when I was fiddling around with how to use the filter. It's amazing how a quarter-turn of the filter can change the photo. This is a shot of Catalina Island off the Southern California coast. I thought the photo worked as the island appears to be a cloud too. My wife thought it ended up looking like a monster: the island, its mouth; and the clouds, its eyes. I took a lot of photos of clouds this week and I went with this one as it was a little different from the "standard" cloud photo.

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