Sunday, November 6, 2011


Squirt by olmjohns
Squirt, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was looking forward to this challenge after my win last week.  I probably took 500-600 photos, most of them of nothing but water.  This photo turned out OK, but not great.

The Challenge:
Capture a photo of something or someone plunging into water (or other liquid).

My Comment:
I ended up using a plastic cereal Tupperware tub for my "fish tank." After trying to get some shots with my mediocre built-in flash, I decided to just use natural light as the sun was shining nicely yesterday. I ended up taking the idea of rotating the photo from the challenge example. I liked how it turned out. Now it appears that the turtle is leaping out of the water, rather than diving in. Fun challenge!

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