Monday, December 12, 2011

Ice filter

Ice filter by olmjohns
Ice filter, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I am not too thrilled with this week's submission.  Its something but its not great...

The Challenge:
Take a photo through a semi-transparent sheet or block of ice.

My Comment:
Living in sunny Southern California makes it a little difficult to find ice outdoors. I ended up making my own by filling a ziplock bag with water, laying it flat and freezing it over night. My first shots turned out unremarkable and it wasn't until that I cracked the ice in the bag, that I got some interesting photos. My submission is a shot of my Christmas tree lights behind the ice filter. I think the colors and cracked ice gives the illusion of a "weird alien embryo", think "star child" from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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