Thursday, February 23, 2012

Night Photography Assigment 4: Light Painting

So I did not have class this week due to the "ski week" holiday. I decided to stretch my assignment to encompass the two weeks. I started out last week trying to do some light painting with my flashlight in my backyard. After numerous "graffiti-esque" shots, I finished with a couple of "drawings" that looked fine. Later on in the week, I read about the gizmodo shooting challenge, "Steel Wool" which fit right into this assignment. This turned into a fantastic failure but is something I will try again. This week I returned to the backyard to try some new light painting shots, this time with color. I was super pleased with my Pac-man photo, which I tried the night before, then realized if I held a string in my hand, I could make Pac-man into a cleaner, better circle. The color shots were done using my iPhone app "flashlight" which allows you to change the color of the screen. I finished it all off with a fun spin (fearful my flashlight would fly out in mid-circle). Hope you like the photos this week. I had a lot of fun but I feel that these aren't the best I could do. They seem a tad elementary. I'll keep trying some more of these shots to see if I can improve.
Light tree
30 second exposure, f/16, 18mm, ISO 400 Light flower
30 second exposure, f/16, 18mm, ISO 400 Pac-man
43 second exposure, f/18, 18mm, ISO 200 Light Palm
30 second exposure, f/16, 18mm, ISO 200
30 second exposure, f/18, 18mm, ISO 200

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