Monday, April 26, 2010

Robert E. Ryan Park

So I didn't actually do what I said in my "Frak" post from last week, but I did take the boys to a new park and took pictures the following day.  Of course, there was some massive volleyball practice going on with 15+ courts and 150+ people filling up any existing grass and therefore creating a gaggle of parents and kids swarming all over the park.  The park is gorgeous with sweeping views of the coast, Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island.  Here are some of the photos I took (If you click on them, you get a high resolution version of it).  They are not very good as I was busy watching after the boys (a little freaked that some crazy might snatch one, since it was so busy).  The boys, however, had a fantastic time and H and G loved playing peek-a-boo with a couple of new friends.  H keeps asking to go back to the "pirate ship park."  Hopefully, it will be a little calmer the next time we go.

A Run Through Redlands 5K Photo

So I got an email from the photography company that took pictures during the race.  Thousands of photos are up on the site but not one of them has a shot of me.  Maybe I looked so bad running, the photographers were too stunned to snap a picture... Oh well.  I like to think that this blurry photo is me, looking totally awesome as I cross the finish line but I know its not (I wore a turquoise shirt).  Hopefully next time I will get a picture of me running.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So I am feeling really down today.  I don't know why.  Maybe the weather.  Maybe lack of sleep.  I feel like I want to do more things in life but I don't have enough energy or time.  I know I watch too much television in the evening (8-10 PM, essentially).  I need some kind of project!  But what?  I don't have very many interests and the few that I have, I'm not very good at.  Maybe I will try and take some pictures this evening with the family.  We live in such a gorgeous area, I am sure I could find something to photograph.  Part of me thinks I will do something different this evening.  Another part knows that I will just end up sitting on the couch... Frak!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Run Through Redlands 5K Results

So I got my official results.  Turns out, I did fine, much better than my first race - nearly 5 minutes!  I am shooting for under 30 minutes in the next race!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Run Through Redlands 5K

So I did another race this morning, A Run Through Redlands.  Since our trip to the cabin didn't work out, I woke up at 5:22 AM, ate some breakfast, got dressed and headed out for Redlands.  Traffic is great at 6:00 AM on a Sunday morning!  Of course, I got there with plenty of time to spare as the 5K race was at 7:55 AM.  So I watched the start of the 10K and Half-marathon races and got ready for mine.  There were either more people running or a smaller start area as it took forever for the crowd to get moving.  According to the official time, almost two minutes went by from the starting horn to when I actually passed the start line!  Of course, not even 100 meters in, I stepped awkwardly in a pothole and rolled my ankle.  I kept running and didn't have any pain until the third mile when I noticed I wasn't running very fast.  My Nike+ running thing didn't do a good job of updating my miles so I was unsure of how much more I had to run.  It got too warm in my long sleeve shirt and t-shirt so I need to remember that for the next race in May.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Green Level

So I made it to the Green Level in my Nike+ running yesterday!  That means I have run 250 kilometers.  I would have never thought I could do that in a thousand years.  I have one more training run tomorrow before the Run Through Redlands on Sunday.  I only need 750 more kilometers to make it to the next level.  No problem! ;-p

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I have really started to run this year.  I just came across and I saw how it links to my Nike+ account.  Kind of cool.  You can follow along with my running here on the blog.  Hopefully I can keep at it and maybe, someday run a marathon.  Right now it is just 5K races.  I need to get ready for my next race in a week and half in Redlands.