Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Run Through Redlands 5K

So I did another race this morning, A Run Through Redlands.  Since our trip to the cabin didn't work out, I woke up at 5:22 AM, ate some breakfast, got dressed and headed out for Redlands.  Traffic is great at 6:00 AM on a Sunday morning!  Of course, I got there with plenty of time to spare as the 5K race was at 7:55 AM.  So I watched the start of the 10K and Half-marathon races and got ready for mine.  There were either more people running or a smaller start area as it took forever for the crowd to get moving.  According to the official time, almost two minutes went by from the starting horn to when I actually passed the start line!  Of course, not even 100 meters in, I stepped awkwardly in a pothole and rolled my ankle.  I kept running and didn't have any pain until the third mile when I noticed I wasn't running very fast.  My Nike+ running thing didn't do a good job of updating my miles so I was unsure of how much more I had to run.  It got too warm in my long sleeve shirt and t-shirt so I need to remember that for the next race in May.

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