Monday, April 18, 2011

Golden Hour pitchfork

Golden Hour pitchfork 4 by olmjohns
Golden Hour pitchfork 4, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I wanted to take a photography class but it was canceled.  I decided to try the Gizmodo weekly shooting challenge.  Here is my first photo:

The Challenge:
Take a photo during the golden hour, which is actually two hours—the first and last hours of sunlight in a day. Well, approximately.  It's an excellent time for portraits, landscapes...really anything you could possibly want to photograph.!5791592/shooting-challenge-the- golden-hour

My Comment:
I just took up photography and decided I should take a class to help my photos. I signed up at the local art center and was all ready to go. The day of the first class, I got a phone call from the center telling me I was the only one who signed up and that the class was canceled. So now I am going to try the photo challenges on gizmodo as my photography class. I have no idea if I have done anything right but I thought this shot of a pitchfork in my front yard had some nice sunlight on it. Hope this works.

UPDATE: I missed the deadline so this wasn't submitted into the contest.

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