Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sun through trees

Sun through trees by olmjohns
Sun through trees, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I finally submitted my first photo into the Gizmodo shooting challenge.  Not great but at least I did it.

The Challenge:
Take an awesome photo with your cellphone. And don't, for lack of a better term, it in.!5793921/shooting-challenge-cell phone-ii

My Comment:
I used my iPhone 3GS for this shot with the standard camera app. I was at my church in Rolling Hills Estates, CA for my kids' Easter egg hunt. The sun had been in and out of the clouds all morning and it finally broke through at the end of the egg hunt. I didn't use any editing software or additional apps for the photo. I think it looks good enough without any add ons. I even like the pink lens flare that got caught in the shot.

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