Monday, August 15, 2011

Nighttime noir?

Nighttime noir? by olmjohns
Nighttime noir?, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I had difficulty with this week's challenge.  I originally set up this elaborate scene with Playmobil people of a restaurant robbery gone bad.  After I took the photos, they look super cheesy so I killed that idea fast.  I ended up with this shot of my street.  It was foggy and the lamppost looked eerie in a way.
The Challenge:
Capture a photo in the film noir style. That means black and white with low-key lighting. Does it mean detectives and dames? Not necessarily. Go for the feeling and the tone, first and foremost.
My Comment:
I am not too happy with my photo this week. I'm even less happy with the crop for the required smaller image needed for submission. I tried to get a shot that utilized last night's full moon as my single source of lighting but none of the photos came out well. I decided to take a shot of my neighborhood street at night with the lamppost acting as the lighting. I like the mood the photo sets: deserted street, dark night, ominous mailboxes... Oh well.

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