Monday, September 19, 2011

Filter fun?

Filter fun? by olmjohns
Filter fun?, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I don't like altering my photos digitally.  I'd much rather take an interesting shot than rely on photoshop or filter effects to make my photo better.  This week's challenge required us to use filters so I did the challenge, although a little begrudgingly.  My shot looks fine but its kind of boring.  Oh well...

The Challenge:
Take an original photo and apply an extremely cheesy photo filter (from within your camera or editing software), but in doing so, create something that's not cheesy. Make something awesome. (You can combine two or more filters, too.)
The catch! NO INSTAGRAM or HIPSTAMATIC or ANY VINTAGE FILTERS. Let's face it; these may be cheesy in their own way, but society is currently infatuated with them. (Heck, even I, the biggest snob in the world, gave in.)

My Comment:
So I wasn't sure how to attack this challenge. I try not to do any touch-ups or alterations to any of my photos. I don't have photoshop so I tried using the effects built in to iPhoto. I took a simple photo of a palm tree and blue sky in my back yard and after cropping it and using a number of filters, I made it look like the sun setting behind the palm tree. Its not great but its something.

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