Monday, September 26, 2011

(Sub)Urban Decay?

(Sub)Urban Decay? by olmjohns
(Sub)Urban Decay?, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I am not too keen on this week's submission.  The area that I took my photo is kind of neat with a few remaining structures that were demolished due to the landslide.  I am also a little ashamed to say I used some iPhoto filters to enhance this shot.  My original picture was too washed out so I boosted the color a little.

The Challenge:
Capture a photo representing urban decay.

My Comment:
The city I live in doesn't have much"decay" as it is a desirable place to live. The residents won't allow much of anything to get ruined. The one place on "The Hill" that does have some form of disrepair is a landslide area. Fifteen years or so ago, part of a hill collapsed and took out a few commercial buildings. Not much remains aside from black plastic to assist in water runoff. The few remnants of the buildings left are mainly concrete and rebar pylons. I found this small staircase off to the side of the slide area that has been completely overgrown with weeds. Its not too urban and not too decay but its the best of what I could find.

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