Monday, January 23, 2012

Onyx necklace heirloom

Onyx necklace heirloom by olmjohns
Onyx necklace heirloom, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I like my photo this week but I don't think it has enough "pizazz" to make the cut.  Who knows?  Maybe it will...

The Challenge:
Capture a photo of an heirloom.

My Comment:
I don't have many heirlooms, at least ones that would make a good photo. After trying a shot of my grandfather's pocketknife and one of my grandmother's blue glass pitcher, I settled on my wife's grandmother's onyx bead necklace. I really liked how the beads lit up when light was shined on them. I played around with my office lamp trying to get the best lighting and was pleased with the shadows and reflection in the table top. Hope you like it.

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