Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving "roll"ing hills

Thanksgiving "roll"ing hills by olmjohns
Thanksgiving "roll"ing hills, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I had numerous problems photographing food for this challenge.  Thanksgiving turned out to be cloudy and raining so the natural light was limited.  I ended up taking this shot on Friday at my house.  I'm pleased with it but I know its not great...

The Challenge:
Take a photo of one traditional dish your family makes each Thanksgiving—the more personal the better. Then give us the recipe to duplicate it.

My Comment:
After taking a number of shots of my grandma's world famous apple crisp, I decided that no matter the lighting or presentation, the food would look horrible. I switched my subject to my grandma's world famous rolls instead. These rolls are my favorite Thanksgiving food. Sadly, my family was unable to get the exact recipe from my grandma before her Alzheimer's had erased it from memory. Still, my cousin David tries every year to recreate the rolls. They are not the quite same but come in as a great runner up. Sunlight was pouring through my kitchen window and I wanted to try a shot not normally seen of food. I adjusted the aperture so I could black out the background and caught what I think looks like a sunrise over "roll"ing hills. This was a fun challenge.

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