Sunday, January 10, 2010


So I ordered a new camera after weeks of researching DSLRs.  I ended up with a Canon T1i.  Just waiting now for it to come in the mail via amazon.  I sure hope I made the right choice.
My brother-in-law was trying to get me to buy a micro four-thirds camera.  These cameras sure looked nice and seemed to be what I wanted, but I don't think they are really any smaller than a regular DSLR.  I wasn't going to be able to put it in my pocket like our Canon Elph.  Cost wise, the micro 4/3 was $100-$200 more than a nicer DSLR so I decided to bite the bullet and get the DSLR.
I have found that when you discuss items like this with other people, no matter your decision, it is the wrong one.  Trying to explain my reasoning on this camera to someone, just made me feel like I picked a bad, useless, overpriced camera.  Even when I went to a camera store to get a feel for this camera and others, the salesman just treated me like an incompetent child.  I may not know a lot about cameras but I think I can take satisfactory pictures, especially with all these new "idiot-proof" cameras.  How hard can it really be?
I just hope I can stick with this camera and make sure to bring it with me and remember to actually take pictures.  Wish me luck.

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