Sunday, June 26, 2011

Model house

Model house by olmjohns
Model house, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I tried a lot of different things for this week's challenge.  Most of the photos were bad.  My submission ended up being a super easy shot in the back yard!

The Challenge:
Take a photo from directly above your subject, approaching it at a perfect 90-degree angle. Give us an almost clinical view of anything from above - it can be from the air or just a few feet off the ground - but the perspective's angle should be fixed.

My Comment:
So I knew exactly what I wanted to do for this challenge. I was going to get to the edge of one of the local ocean bluffs and take a picture of the surf below. When I got to the cliffs, it turns out, they are a little more sloped then I could remember and a 90 degree angle doesn't get a great shot. So I tried a different approach. I climbed rocks covered in bird poop, holding my camera on a tripod out above while the crashing surf. Turns out this didn't work either. I ended up shooting a little cardboard model of a home on my backyard lawn in black & white. The shadows on the house and grass made for an interesting photo. I hope you all like it too.

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