Tuesday, June 21, 2011

summer solstice?

summer solstice? by olmjohns
summer solstice?, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I am a little peeved at my submission this week due to uncooperative weather.  It had been so beautiful this afternoon and then as it moved into early evening, the fog crept in and ruined my "summer" solstice photo!

The Challenge:
Capture a photo of the summer solstice - that's June 21st - sorry it's not a weekend, but the Universe sort of ignores the 7-day calendar. And yes, we'll push back the deadline for the Shooting Challenge appropriately.
gizmodo.com/5812187/shooting-challenge-summer -solstice

My Comment:
For the past three days, the weather here has been beautiful. Gorgeous, clear and sunny. And what happens today? The day I actually need to take a photo for the summer solstice? It gets socked in with fog. I was all prepared to get a great shot of the sun shining on my local park with phenomenal views of the vast Pacific Ocean. I even got up enough nerve to ask the nice couple sitting on the bench if I might photograph them for this project. Oh well.

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