Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas X-Ray

Christmas X-Ray by olmjohns
Christmas X-Ray, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I ended up pretty happy with my submission.  I thought it looked like an x-ray and I was pleased I could do it with the long exposure.  I think it looks good.

The Challenge:
Take a photo of a wrapped Christmas gift. Take a photo of the same gift, unwrapped. Then, overlay the unwrapped image on top of the wrapped image.
Basically, show us an x-ray view inside one of your wrapped Christmas gifts.

My Comment:
As I was reading the challenge this week, I thought I wasn't going to attempt it since I don't use photoshop. I then figured that I could at least try the long exposure technique. After some shots on Christmas morning, I realized it needed to be darker so I waited until evening. I shot in black and white because it looked more like an x-ray and my color shots looked too washed out. I used an 8 second exposure and simply shot the wrapped present and then moved it out of the way and replaced it with the electronic weather station. I like the effect and I hope you do to.

Friday, December 23, 2011

You The Designer: Interesting Patterns and Fractals from Nature

So I was featured on another blog!  One of my photos was used in the graphic design blog, "You The Designer."  Here is a screen shot of the page.  My photo is the tenth in the list: "Strawberry."  Check it out here: http://www.youthedesigner.com/2011/07/29/interesting-patterns-and-fractals-from-nature/

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An American Werewolf in London

An American Werewolf in London directed by John Landis
So I have always wanted to see this film and had never really got around to it.  Finally, I watched it (edited version for television) and loved it.  What was probably cutting edge special effects in 1981 look awesomely silly now.  Also, gotta love "cappas being detated!"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gizmodo Shooting Challenge: Mixed Media

So I got featured this week! I wasn't too happy about my photo but there were only 11 submissions.  Still neat to get up on the website.  My photo is sixth from the top.  Check it out here:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mixed Media? Lemons

Mixed Media? Lemons by olmjohns
Mixed Media? Lemons, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was totally clueless on this challenge.  Not happy with the result.  The white background looks horrible.  Blech!

The Challenge:
Take a photo, then create that photo into something new and physical. Then, take a photo of THAT.

My Comment:
I was totally lost on this project. I wasn't quite sure how to incorporate my photos into "mixed media." I ended up taking photos of some lemons from my backyard garden, printing and cutting them out and gluing them onto a branch. I liked the two-dimensionality of the lemon cut-outs and the three-dimensionality of the branch. As I was shooting it, I ended up to the side of the branch to give the lemons a squished appearance. Not sure if this is what you were looking for but I hope you like it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ice filter

Ice filter by olmjohns
Ice filter, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I am not too thrilled with this week's submission.  Its something but its not great...

The Challenge:
Take a photo through a semi-transparent sheet or block of ice.

My Comment:
Living in sunny Southern California makes it a little difficult to find ice outdoors. I ended up making my own by filling a ziplock bag with water, laying it flat and freezing it over night. My first shots turned out unremarkable and it wasn't until that I cracked the ice in the bag, that I got some interesting photos. My submission is a shot of my Christmas tree lights behind the ice filter. I think the colors and cracked ice gives the illusion of a "weird alien embryo", think "star child" from 2001: A Space Odyssey.