Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fire fail

Fire fail by olmjohns
Fire fail, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I kind of spazzed out with this photo.  I was so freaked that I was going to catch something of fire, or ruin my camera or get caught by the cops or something like that.  Turns out, none of these things happened but everything else failed.  Oh well...

The Challenge:
Create a long exposure photograph of sparks, using the classic steel wool trick. wool

My Comment:
So I failed miserably. I spent half the night searching for steel wool. I went to 5 stores and finally walked out with "lemon scented soap steel wool." I then went to where I was shooting and set up the photo. I had an awesome shot in my mind with the sparks hitting the walls of the hallway and cascading down the stairs. The only problem was I couldn't get the steel wool to light. My shot is in the middle of a 30 second exposure of me trying to catch the wool on fire. I hadn't realized that I was actually capturing some sparks falling. I had such a fantastically frustrating night, that I am submitting my fail, to not only show that I tried something new, but the importance of planning ahead.

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