Monday, February 27, 2012


Shattered by olmjohns
Shattered, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was excited about this challenge.  While I was setting up the shot, I realized that this could be a better photo if I had a better flash.  I have always hated taking photos with a flash but I think it may be time to look into a more powerful/faster flash.  We'll see...

The Challenge:
Capture something that's shattered. Whatever you like. However you like. The only requirement is that a shatter is the subject of the photo.

My Comment:
After reading this week's challenge, I knew I was going to shatter a wine glass. I went to the store and bought a $2 glass, poured some red wine and dropped it on a nice white surface. I had my camera set up on a tripod and to a fast shutter speed. The only problem was that the glass didn't shatter. I tried again and only the base broke off. Then again; nothing. Finally a fourth time, it didn't break in frame but bounced onto the tile and broke. Shot ruined. What to do now? My wife and I had finished off a bottle the night before so I decided to give that a try. I filled it up with water to enhance the shot, dropped it and got a mighty explosion! I am very pleased with the final shot.

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