Saturday, May 7, 2011


Portrait by olmjohns
Portrait, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was hesitant to do this week's shooting challenge but I tried it anyway.

The Challenge:
Take a portrait of someone. This should not be a spontaneous candid, but a planned model shoot. It cannot be a self-portrait either. The challenge is to work with someone else and capture a portrait of them.!5798546/shooting-challenge-portrait

My Comment:
When I started up all this photography stuff, I told myself that I wasn't going to take pictures of people, only objects and landscapes.  Well, I also want to do these shooting challenges so I decided to try this contest.  The other issue I had was that I was hesitant to post of photo of my four year old son on the internet for all to see.  That being said, I wanted to make sure that my entry fit the criteria but still obscured my son's face a little.
I set up the shot with a small bedside lamp sitting in my son's toy grocery cart to get it to the same height as his face.  I had him stand against the wall and asked him not to smile.  Of course, that just made him smile.  I played around with shutter speed and was able to get 10-15 shots taken before he lost interest.
This was the best of the bunch.

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