Sunday, May 1, 2011

Telephone lines

Telephone lines by olmjohns
Telephone lines, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was having difficulty coming up with a shot for this challenge.  This is what I came up with:

The Challenge:
Take one shot and submit it. You cannot retake this shot if you mess up. The pressure is on.  That photo need not be the only photo you take all week. Feel free to warm up today, get comfortable with manual settings or a certain technique. But whatever you submit should be a wholly new (subject, framing, etc) photo - and before you hit the shutter, agree with yourself that "this is the photo I'm going to submit."!5796165/shooting-challenge-one- shot

My Comment:
I was having difficulty coming up with something to shoot since it needed to be visually interesting. When you only have one shot, you really need to think it out. I was at my sister-in-law's house in Orange, CA for a nice BBQ and noticed all the power lines in their backyard. I liked how they all criss-crossed against the blue sky. I did my best to get the wires lined up in my shot as to where it would give the most artistic look. I hope you like it.

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