Monday, May 30, 2011

Stones and sea

Stones and sea by olmjohns
Stones and sea, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I am continuing the gizmodo shooting challenges and having a lot of fun doing them.  I am really pleased with this shot.
The Challenge:
Capture a photo with the shutter speed of 1 second. No faster or slower.
My Comment:
After last week's challenge, I was looking forward to this week's slow shutter challenge. I took a number of photos at one second and wasn't too happy with them. I decided to drive down to our local beach and take some shots of the ocean at dusk. The way the sea ebbs out with each wave leaves a "fog" among the stones on the beach when the photo is shot at one second. I was pleased at how this shot turned out. It also captured an incoming wave in the upper right corner.
I brought my tripod with me and my shutter remote to eliminate any camera shaking.

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