Monday, January 30, 2012

Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2 by olmjohns
Kung Fu Panda 2, a photo by olmjohns on Flickr.
So I was starting to feel pretty good about my submission for this week's challenge and then I stumbled across the photos that my flickr friend, Diego Jimenez , took for the challenge.  He ended up doing a food-inspired theme to go along with the movie.  All his photos look fantastic and could easily be used as marketing material.  I don't think I stand a chance now...

The Challenge:
Take a photo inspired by or paying tribute to a film from 2011. It can be an Oscar nominee, or it can be a film that you wish were nominated.

My Comment:
As a parent of a 3 and 5 year old, I don't make it to the movies very often. I haven't seen any of the movies up for Best Picture but I was able to enjoy a family night out at the theater with a showing of "Kung Fu Panda 2," up for Best Animated Film. We enjoyed the movie immensely and I was struck by the amazing visuals, whether CGI or during the paper-style animation flashback scenes, throughout the film. My shot is of Po (my son's happy meal toy) in front of a paper background with some paper cutouts I added. I back-lit the photo with a desk lamp in an attempt to give the panda a little less toy feel.

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