Monday, May 24, 2010


Avatar directed by James Cameron
So I finally saw Avatar and its not that great.  It was entertaining at times but had some very ridiculous things that I had a hard time getting past.  Really?  They are digging for the precious metal "unobtainium?"  Why not call it, "hard-to-find-ium?"  Also, if they have the technology to build amazing robots for people to control, why make the robot carry a gun?  Especially with two hands (like a person would)?  Why not simply attach the guns directly to the robot itself.  I also couldn't get past that they would equip the robots with a knife.  That is hard to believe.  Aside from the little big things, the movie was a little long and a little too reminiscent of Pocahontas and Dances with WolvesMy wife brought up a good point; why can't Hollywood make a movie that shows an advanced civilization living in harmony with the planet rather than an aboriginal people.  Just because we are "green" doesn't mean we are uncivilized...

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