Friday, May 14, 2010

One Hundred Push Ups

So I started a new fitness program called "One Hundred Push Ups"  It is a seven week program in which the ultimate goal is to do 100 push ups.  Since I have been so into fitness with my running and dieting, I thought I might give it a try.  It doesn't seem to take a lot of time (only 3x a week).  So far I have done the first two days of week one and I think I can continue.  I can certainly feel the tightness in my shoulders and arm pits from the first day.  It is nice that they have a logger that keeps track of your progress and even links with facebook.  There is even an iPhone app (that I probably won't get since it costs $1.99 and I am too stingy to splurge).  I hope I can keep it up.

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