Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Hound of the Baskervilles

The Hound of the Baskervilles directed by Terence Fisher
So I finally got around to watching this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle great.  It has only be sitting on our DVR queue since last December.  But it turns out I finished watching the movie on Christoper Lee's (Sir Henry Baskerville) 88th birthday.  Yesterday would have been Peter Cushing's (Sherlock Holmes) 97th birthday so it was pretty good timing.  The story is fantastic.  Cushing (yes, that's Grand Moff Tarking from Star Wars) and (a very young and handsome) Lee put in great performances.  I do enjoy these old films, especially when the build outdoor sets indoors.  There is a certain cheesy awesomeness to them.
Great movie all around but if you don't like Sherlock Holmes stories you probably will be bored with this film.

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