Monday, March 12, 2012

Night Photography Assignment 5: Around Town

So I appear to still be in a funk this week. I'm not too happy with this weeks shots as I was stretching to come up with an assignment. On the way home from Monday night's class at the Manhattan Beach pier, I pulled into a parking lot and shot the Chase Bank across the street. I have passed this bank many times and have always said, "I should take a photo of that bank. It's really neat looking." So I decided to take the shot. I probably should have spent more time setting it up but I was driving home so I didn't want to take too much time. I didn't use my tripod and simply set the camera on a low wall. It's a cool building and I like the photo. Fast-forward to Sunday night. I have no idea what to shoot for my assignment but force myself to do something. I decide to take shots of people in coffee shops, a la Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks." Only problem is, nothing is open up here after 8:00 PM (thanks daylight savings time! :-p - it would have been dark last week at 7:00!). So I decided to shoot lit up store fronts. There is even another Chase Bank up here! (A really neat one with a mosaic mural by Millard Sheets.) Now I have an assignment. Unfortunately, I spent most of the evening shooting with some gunk on my lens, which I ultimately rubbed off at the last location of the night. Below are my better photos which feel sadly uninspiring this week... Chasing lights
5 second exposure, f/22, 50mm, ISO 100 Pier 1 Imports
10 second exposure, f/22, 23mm, ISO 100 Chase
8 second exposure, f/22, 40mm, ISO 100 Starbucks Coffee
15 second exposure, f/32, 100mm, ISO 100 Town & Country center
4 second exposure, f/16, 41mm, ISO 100 Empty lot
15 second exposure, f/29, 32 mm, ISO 100

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